Brindleboy123's Blog

Prelex Surgery….

Posted on: August 19, 2010

Hello, nice to SEE you, to SEE you nice!

Well, what a week this has been.  Tonight has been the first night when I have really felt like coming on here for longer than a couple of minutes.  Thank you everyone that has sent there good wishes, it was very much appreciated.  Several people have asked what the Prelex Surgery was actually like so I thought I would use the Blog as a sort of diary of the whole experience. I searched the internet for information before I had the surgery and although there was some very valuable bits of information, I found that much of the info was generated from companies who were obviously encouraging you to use them for the surgery and I was a little worried that it may be biased.  So, here goes.


Had my first meeting with Dr Legos in Torrevieja. First impressions of the clinic were that it was very clean and efficient.  The staff spoke excellent English which was great as the last thing I would have wanted was a language problem to contend with too!  I was given some drops which did sting and I these were administered via a piece of paper put in to the bottom of my eye ….looked a bit like Minnie Mouse I guess!  After more drops I was shown into a room to meet Dr Legos.  It felt a bit like meeting the Godfather as he was sat behind a very large desk with one of the ladies sat by his side to interpret should that be necessary.

He examined my eyes with various machines and after some consideration advised me that the Prelex surgery was the most suitable for what I was looking to achieve.  Unfortunately the Lasik would not help me with my need for glasses for reading so it was Prelex which is obviously more involved but seemed to be just what I was looking for; something that would hopefully enable me to be able to read and see distances without the use of any glasses.

Away from his office I had a word with the receptionist (who was also his assistant and had apparently worked with him for around 10 years or so).  I paid the 70 euros for the examination and she explained to me that the operation could be performed on Monday if I wanted to go ahead.  The cost was given as 4,500 euros.  Not cheap by any means but at the same time, I am currently paying around 700 euros every 2 years for glasses as I have verifocal lenses with all the trimmings because of being in the sunshine etc.

I made the decision there and then that I would proceed and was told that I needed to go to Quesada to their other clinic on Thursday for more tests and that I needed to have a blood test and ECG. The blood test was to be done in Torrevieja and the ECG could be done on Monday, same day as the surgery.

Tony had an appointment elsewhere in the town so I met up with him later and explained what had been discussed.  He was honest and said if it was him, he wouldn’t have it done but then had to agree its different when you have decent eyesight to say that! I had his support though and so all was on for the following Monday.

When we got home I went straight on to the internet and started looking up as much information as I could on Prelex.  One of the main things that stood out seemed to be the fact that post surgery patients would often see “halos”.  I wasn’t able to find out as much about this as I felt I needed and I was concerned that I would spend the rest of my life living in some sort of world with angels!  Much of the information on the net, although informative, was quite often on sites from organisations that carried out the surgery and I was concerned that this could be a bit biased.  I put a message on our local forum here in Torrevieja and the next morning received a message from someone local who had already had the operation by the same doctor, several years ago.

We had a long chat and my fears were allayed. So a phone call later, the surgery was once again on for the coming Monday.


Appointment with Dr Legos at the Quesada clinic (at the commercial centre near La Laguna Hotel).  More drops and several eye tests on the various machines that he has there.  This examination was to determine exactly which lens I would need.  Tony came with me and we both met with the clinic assistant who took us through step by step the procedure, my medical history and answered all the various questions that I had.  I think it is important to have someone with you if possible because it is a lot to take in and if you miss something then hopefully the other person won’t!  I also needed to take all the medication that I usually take with me and the assistant went through all these and noted them down for their records.

Dr Legos gave me a prescription for some drops which I had to start taking 3 times a day before the operation.  These were antibiotics and anti-inflamatory.  He also gave me a note to take to the lab in town for a blood test to check my anti-coagulation etc. The results were sent directly through to Dr Legos prior to the op.


The day of the op finally arrived and I was booked in for 4 o’clock.  I was told I could have nothing to eat or drink after 11 am and to take it “easy” for the day…..umm, well I actually had to go to Elche to change a present I had bought for a little girl so not quite so restful as I’d hoped!  In the UK I guess it wouldn’t be such a big deal not to drink anything after 11 but in the heat here it isn’t so pleasant but hey ho, only a couple of hours.

When we arrived at the clinic in the afternoon, one more test with Dr Legos and the ECG then it was off with my glasses and on with my gown!  I was taken up to the room next to the operating room where once again we went over many of the medical questions that had previously been asked, just as a precaution that nothing had changed.

The anaesthetist then came in and, to be honest, this was the most painful part of the whole procedure for me! He attempted to put a venflon in the side of my wrist which, from what I understand from these things, he didn’t do that well as I had a terrible burning pain across the back of my hand.  This happened twice but finally managed to sort out my very small and not very helpful veins!

I remember very little after this…..I was not asleep and I know I walked into the theatre but even though you are not asleep, your head is (if that makes any sense whatsoever).  I was aware that I was jabbering on to the Doctor and at one point he did tell me to “stop talking”! My fear of the clamp going over my eyes was pointless because I didn’t even know it was there! I was aware that there was a plastic cover or something over my head which obviously had space for them to work on my eyes but other than that, I really didn’t know what was going on.  I was told before the operation that there would be twice the amount of anaesthetic in one eye than the other obviously as the second eye has to be “out” for longer.  When they worked on my left eye, I do remember seeing a very bright light and it looking like a crochet hook was being used but to be honest, I was not really “there”.

The operation was not uncomfortable. I did not feel any pain and given the choice of that and the dentist, Dr Legos would be my choice every time!

After the op, you are helped through to another room where I was joined by Tony who had been patiently waiting for me downstairs. I think the whole operation only took about 20 -30 minutes, no time really when you consider how it would change my life.

There were no bandages, I couldn’t see very much as most things were a blurry but I was aware of my surroundings. I was given some scrummy (not) medicine to drink and just rested then for an hour or so while at the same time the assistant started to give me the eye drops ever 15 minutes.

I was wheeled out to the car and the drive home I would describe as being like going out on an extremely foggy day.  I knew where we were driving but couldn’t really focus.

As the evening progressed my eyesight started to return.  I had to wear the fashionable Stevie Wonder glasses but was glad to have them as without I’ sure everything would have been far too bright for me.

That evening my drops had to be given every 15 minutes until I went to bed.  I had a little double vision but was seeing most things relatively well.  My head felt like a block of wood, I could touch it but not feel it if that makes sense!

There is no need to have the drops during the night but you are given eye protectors to wear (another fashion accessory which is a must have). These are taped on to your eyes with the tape that you are asked to purchase prior to the op.  I would say that this was probably, for me, the worse part of the whole experience.  During the night my left eye felt like it had a brick lodged in the corner.  The clinic had described very carefully all the things that could possibly happen and this was one of them.  I really didn’t know what to do with myself…I just wanted to keep my eye open one minute then close it the next……I took some paracetamol and must have eventually dropped off to sleep.

In the morning when I woke up, the double vision that I had seen the night before had disappeared.  The pain in my left eye had disappeared.  My breakfast appeared and I probably made my first mistake of looking down into the bowl……..(I was warned not to look down for a while).  Next thing I knew, I was feeling extremely sick, hot and “strange”.  Tony fanned me to try to cool me down and it did pass after about 5 minutes or so.

That morning it was back to Dr Legos as planned where he confirmed that all had gone well. The drops were now reduced to half hourly, then 2 hourly the following day.

I was advised not to read anything for a short time as it was best not to strain the eyes. Just glancing over words though in the surgery I could see print that I had never been able to see in my life before!

I returned two days later to Dr Legos and still all going well…..drops now 4 times a day and glasses don’t have to be worn inside.  Everything is so much brighter now. I have to go to see him again on Monday (normally it would have been this week but I was unable to get there).

It seems strange when we go out, I have no idea what my actual vision is now and because I still have the Stevie Wonder’s on, it feels like I am still wearing glasses so I have to pinch myself to realise that what I am seeing is with my own eyes!  I’m told that over time my eyesight will improve more but what I am seeing now is already such a marvellous improvement. Tony and I have now changed places…he now has to ask me to read what is written on packets etc!!

There are restrictions initially, no swimming pool being one of them but its a small price to pay and I just wouldn’t want to take the risk of getting an infection in the eyes. You have to be careful initially not to bend over too much or of course, rub your eyes.  I find that the air conditioning can make my eyes dry and so I will be asking Dr Legos about this, other people have said that this is quite normal too and will improve as the days go on.  Not been a big problem though.  No eye make up just yet but again, that’s common sense.

When I get up in the mornings the first thing I do is to look for my glasses!! Old habits die hard I guess…and I have to keep reminding myself that I don’t have any now!

I was warned that if I did a lot of computer work, ie if I was working on the computer for 8 hours a day etc then I may need some help for middle distance, but (a) I don’t use the computer that much and (b) I’m typing this fine with no vision problems!

Would I recommend it to anyone?  Absolutely 100%.  It is not a cheap operation at 4,500 euros but it is the best investment I feel I have made in myself ever. One drawback though….now I don’t have the glasses to hid my “hoods’ behind…but then the clinic does do surgery for those too!!

Well….enough on here for one day….catch you all again soon,

Bell x

6 Responses to "Prelex Surgery…."

Very well done Bell!! Great informative blog. You should have been a journalist! I think that this will help others to rea an unbiased opinion for a change.


Pete xx

Congratulations!Did you have both eyes done at the same time? What lenses were implanted. explains risks and options of prelex.

Thank you for taking the time to write about your personal Prelex experience. I’m certain that by sharing your first-hand experiences, people will be better able to make informed decisions as to whether this surgery is right for them.

Had my right eye done 3 days ago. Felt like 3-4 grains of sand in eye for 2 days. Unrelenting pain. Saw Dr. yesterday and all is well, except cornea is very swollen. Couldn’t see much, but woke up this morning and I’m beginning to see to read, yay!!! Pain is gone and I’m very excited! It will be 11/2 weeks until I have the left eye done. Thanks so much for your blog!

Hi Bell,
I am very interested in having my eyes done too. However, prices in the UK are outrageous. Could you tell me the name or website of the clinic you used please ?


Thanks Bell,
I’m currently in the ‘will I or won’t I’ situation. This has certainly been helpful.
All the best

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  • Linda: Thanks Bell, I'm currently in the 'will I or won't I' situation. This has certainly been helpful. All the best Linda
  • Andy: Hi Bell, I am very interested in having my eyes done too. However, prices in the UK are outrageous. Could you tell me the name or website of the clin
  • Carol Harshman: Had my right eye done 3 days ago. Felt like 3-4 grains of sand in eye for 2 days. Unrelenting pain. Saw Dr. yesterday and all is well, except corne
