Brindleboy123's Blog

Earthquakes, sun and lost dogs!

Posted on: May 22, 2011

Hello…’s me again!

Just thought I would come on and catch up with everyone, it seems to have been quite a while since I was on here last but when I checked it was just a month.  Time flies when you are having fun and we have this month….well, we have had some relaxation which in my book is fun!

The beach adventure has continued and we now have our own “spot” to aim for each day!  Seems like this is the done thing as we are normally surrounded by the same people. The Moroccons still haven’t got the message that there is no way that I am going to get into the skinny costume they try to sell me every day and I am refusing to buy the flower dress that is flashed before me on a regular basis…not just reached that stage yet!

We had an influx of Jelly fish a couple of weeks ago….horrible little creatures apparently as they bite or do something ghastly which leaves you in pain.  The beach, even though it is only small compared to some has 2 red cross life guard posts and the red cross hut.  The guys from there were going up and down the place collecting the jelly fish in bags…loads of the little blighters.  I went over to warn a family as they were about to let their toddler loose in the sea for the first time.  He was still placed in the water mind you….I wouldn’t have let mine anywhere near it that day.

Tony took me to the Chinese shop again and has bought me….wait for it, a Miss Daisey hat!  I can’t believe I actually wear it but hey ho, who cares!  Besides, Gok says hats are good, doesn’t he??!

Last week Tony took me kicking and screaming to the dentist.  I hate them with a passion unknown to man and have managed to avoid all visits for a few years.  Someone stupidly went onto the local forum and went on and on about this wonderful dentist in the area and before I knew it, an appointment was made.  I kid you not, I would rather have had my eyeballs done again than go to the dentist but dragged along I was.  What a wonderful surprise I had.  She was lovely!  For the first time in my life I felt at ease.  She knew exactly how nervous I was and even put some cream in my mouth (not the edible sort unfortunately) that numbed the area before giving me an injection.  I was very impressed.  I had a clean on the bottom teeth and am going back tomorrow for the upper teeth to be cleaned and to look at the possibility of a bridge or two – looks like it was worth her smiling at me nicely as she is going to get some business!  Apparently a bridge here costs around €1,000.  Anyone know how that compares with the UK?  Just wondered.  When I have my new smile I will send you all a photo (something to look forward to ..NOT!)  Tony wants a George Clooney smile but the dentist said that to achieve that he would need to have a brace! He has decided that at 54 (55 next month!!) he is probably a bit too old for that so no George Clooney smile.  (I think he is far more handsome that George Clooney anyway)!!

I’ve often talked on here about the problems we have with stray dogs in the area.  Well, this afternoon I was walking dick and dorf when I noticed this little poodle walking around all the cars. He was just about to walk out into the road and a car was coming.  I called out and don’t ask me why, just sat down quickly pulling the two dogs behind me.  Fortunately, the little lad came running over to me and I managed to scoop him up into my arms.  I took him back to show Tony what I had found and went back out to see if anyone was around looking for him.  Not a soul to be found.  As we already have the two and having lost Chunky recently, I really didn’t feel that I wanted to take on another dog yet,a neighbour kindly said she would give him a try with her little dog.  He was adorable and so gentle.  We discovered he had fleas so gave him a special bath and put some exspot on him.  All was doing well for an hour or so but then I had a knock on the door and it was my neighbour to say that she couldn’t keep him because she feared her husband who had recently had a stroke would fall over him.  I went straught around and picked up Rusty as Tony had named him, to bring him home with me.  I was just giving him a little talk that we mustn’t fall in love with each other as it may be that he wouldn’t be able to stay when a lady that lives not so far away, came running in and calling for “Chico”!!! Turns out her little boy had unfortunately left the gate opened and Chico had escaped!  The little boy was at home in floods of tears!  A happy ending for once.  Chico turned out to be 7 months old and I miss him already!

Went on Skype this week and spoke with Samantha.  Baby’s head has engaged and she has just 3 weeks officially left to go….getting very excited now.  Looks like it will be Jacob now but not holding my breath as that is still up for a vote when he arrives! Ive decided that when I see her, of course I will buy baby a few bits and pieces but I thought it would be nice to buy something for Samantha.  Considering a nice locket.  I can get a photo put inside and the baby’s date of birth etc.  I know everyone always thinks of the baby when they arrive (quite rightly so) but at the end of the day she is still my little girl and I want to do something special for her too.  I had an email from Samantha’s mother in law the other day telling me about how Samantha is looking well but that she is tired etc.  Don’t get me wrong, I am VERY grateful that she is such a caring lady and I know she looks after Samantha and Ben, but part of me just aches when I read things about my daughter written by someone else.  Is that stupid?  It is times like this when Spain just seems so far away.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my Mum and Dad this week too.  Wondering how they would have felt about having their first great grandson.  Guess I will never know.  I was trying to remember conversations that I had had with my Dad and do you know what, I couldn’t really remember any.  I’m sure there were some but Dad never really talked about much.  Of course we had what I suppose you would just call day to day chats, but very rarely did he ever get into deep conversations with me.  What a sad shame we never talked about his childhood or things that he had done in his life etc.  Can’t turn back the hands of time as they say.

Those on Carers UK will know that I am still having trouble sleeping at times (from the grumpy messages I put on roll-call at 2 in the morning!).  My blessed menopause just gets better and better!  I’ve tried herbal remedies, knock you out pills and even a painkiller with tremedol which seems to be the only thing that can get my eyes to close and stay closed until the morning.  Thing is, when you are not particularly in any pain, it does seem a bit extreme doesn’t it to take Tremedol!  I remember Mum telling me that her menopause had lasted 19 years….ah well, only another 18 to go!

I’m sure you all heard about the Earthquake earlier this month in Lorca.  It was a little close for comfort I have to confess.  Lorca is only about 35-40 minutes away from here.  We did hear something on the afternoon of the quake, I went outside but couldn’t see anything so had assumed it was a lorry or something going past.  How wrong could I have been.  Such a tragedy for all those living in the area.  There are various fund raising events going on around to help those who have suffered.  There but for the grace of god as they say.  There was a memorial in the town last week which had to be held outside of the churches because they were all damaged during the quake.  Horrendous.  Thank you all for your messages of concern, but we were lucky and very thankful.  My son in law, Ben telephoned whilst we were at the Chriopodist to check that we were ok.  He was in a real panic as he had heard about it on the radio.  Its nice to think that someone cared…Tony was really surprised that anyone would be concerned enough to phone!

Right, well time to go because Tony is having a “chocolate day” and has the malteezers out!  Days like that don’t come along too often on his fitness regime (yawn, yawn!) so I’m certainly not going to miss out!

Take care everyone and thanks for popping by to see what this old girl is getting up to here!

Bell x

Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.  ~Author Unknown

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  • Linda: Thanks Bell, I'm currently in the 'will I or won't I' situation. This has certainly been helpful. All the best Linda
  • Andy: Hi Bell, I am very interested in having my eyes done too. However, prices in the UK are outrageous. Could you tell me the name or website of the clin
  • Carol Harshman: Had my right eye done 3 days ago. Felt like 3-4 grains of sand in eye for 2 days. Unrelenting pain. Saw Dr. yesterday and all is well, except corne
